Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Brief Update.

I posted this to my Tumblr too....just fyi:

So,  it has been a week since my Mom's knee replacement surgery. She is healing well but being impossible. She doesn't like the pain and discomfort even with the pain meds, but she also doesn't like how the pain meds make her groggy and sleepy. Thus she is being difficult about taking her pain meds. Thank Goddess my sister is here to help out.

My sis stayed with my mom while she was in the hospital while I took care of Dad at home. Now we are all in the house and it is exhausting between dealing with my Mom and Dad. But we are holding it down, keeping it going. The stress is physically painful for me but I am managing..

I haven't had much time to myself to think about things or create work. 
Last night, we had Chinese takeout. My fortunate cookie read Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.  What the hell kinda of fortune is that. 

I need to take three Aleve a day, at once to get any pain relief.

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