Monday, June 11, 2012

Tie me up, Tie me down...

Hi Hi!

Lately, I've been hearing a lot of chatter about a book called 50 Shades of Gray. Some people say it is a Twilight fan-fiction that has bondage. A lot of people are saying it is poorly written and can't understand why it is so popular. I haven't read the book nor do I plan to.

I have read novels that feature BDSM from Anne Rice's Sleeping Beauty Series and Patti Davis' Bondage. Those are some books I would recommend.

I haven't read a good, cheap, trashy novel in ages.
I remember reading Exit to Eden. That was  good read, but terrible movie.

So, I've been thinking about fairy tales that you could turn into a really good erotic story.
My favorite fairy tale is Alice in Wonderland. Or what about Snow White. How about stories that are not Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Yeah, I'm just rambling now...just following a stream of thought.


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