Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Scent of Amber

I love perfume.
I heady, "oriental" type perfumes and such.
Samsara, Casmir, Shanghai...these are some of my favorites.
Vanilla! I love the smell of vanilla.
And cocoa.
Jasmine is another wonderful scent.
I just ordered some amber oil. I know it isn't actually amber, but that is what they call this particular scent.

Two of my summer shoes have arrived.
I'm waiting for my order from Fredericks. My third Dream corset (in Spearmint) and pair of slip on mules in black.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Who doesn't love beautiful fireworks. Brightly colored explosions of fire. I need more fireworks.

This week has turned quite lovely outdoors. I still haven't started my garden. It was going to be a penis garden but then I decided maybe I need to make a vulva garden. I got the idea after seeing a picture of a platter of cupcakes, each cupcake was decorated to look like vulva. It was the most awesome thing I had seen. My garden would be like celebration of female sexuality or my sexuality or sensuality or something. A painting of vulva garden...but I do have lots of clay waiting to  used for a sculpture.  Or have a mixed garden of penises and vulvas...some breasts and butts too. 

I always play myself when I order lotion from Avon.
This time I ordered Banana and Coconut Milk lotion. There is another scent in that lotion that I can't make out...

I'm going to buy something sweet now.
It is a way.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Karmie needs her groove back.

I need to find my groove again.
That groove I had before I left for Japan.
I gotta find my sexy again.

To be honest, living in Japan as a single black woman really sucks the sexy and beauty out of you. I will say a lot may have to do with where I was living and the type of people and the environment I lived in. The people and community was very nice, very "country."  Single, available men were hard to come by. Most men acted like giggly school kids when confronted or at seeing any type of foreign woman, but especially a black, western woman. So making a personal connection was difficult. Of course there were foreign men, but they either preferred attempting to date Japanese woman or they were already in relationships and such.

Since I've been home, I've gained some weight. But I've started to get back down to my "fighting" weight (my sexy weight...where I am most comfortable in my skin). Which is cool.

OK! So, where does one go to get her groove back?
Who do I turn to??

I watched to latest episode of "Girls" on HBO the other night and found it very amusing.
I really need a steady friend and some one on one TLC....pampering.
