Thursday, May 17, 2012


Who doesn't love beautiful fireworks. Brightly colored explosions of fire. I need more fireworks.

This week has turned quite lovely outdoors. I still haven't started my garden. It was going to be a penis garden but then I decided maybe I need to make a vulva garden. I got the idea after seeing a picture of a platter of cupcakes, each cupcake was decorated to look like vulva. It was the most awesome thing I had seen. My garden would be like celebration of female sexuality or my sexuality or sensuality or something. A painting of vulva garden...but I do have lots of clay waiting to  used for a sculpture.  Or have a mixed garden of penises and vulvas...some breasts and butts too. 

I always play myself when I order lotion from Avon.
This time I ordered Banana and Coconut Milk lotion. There is another scent in that lotion that I can't make out...

I'm going to buy something sweet now.
It is a way.


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